Everyone always hates Week Three. Like calculus, it's straight Maaaaannnn When Are We Ever Gonna Use Thiiiiis
February 6, 2009
Sure, clean is hard, but dirty is easy. If God didn't want us to take the path of least resistance, he wouldn't have littered it with hell of laughter and good times.
February 11, 2009
Actually, the Tabasco destroys all the other flavors, just like with every food item it touches.
February 13, 2009
Your stomach knows what you just did.
February 16, 2009
By unanimous vote, the beautiful people in the subscriber-only archive agreed that all canon-relevant strips, even if they were only originally released to subscribers--like this one--be released to the public archive. I don't get misty easily, but damn if I didn't have to leave the room for a minute. Readers, you got yo' backs.